Ulisses Rocha goes on Belgium tour | News | College of the Arts | University of Florida
In the Loop
Faculty News : Feb 5, 2016

Ulisses Rocha goes on Belgium tour

Ulisses Rocha has achieved international acclaim with his performances in international festivals in America and Europe. In February 2016, Rocha performs 10 concerts and four workshops in Belgium in Wellen, Nevele, Bever, Aarschot, Hoogstraten, Lubbeek, Turnhout, Anthuerpen and many other cities. He has collaborated with renowned Brazilian artists such as Gal Costa and Cesar Camargo Mariano and recorded with Hermeto Pascoal. He has also shared stage in special performances with Egberto Gismonti, Al Di Meola and Eliane Elias. A prolific performer, Ulisses Rocha has recorded 14 CDs.​