From presenting at the College Music Society Summit to performing in Paris, Dr. Kristen Stoner has an unforgettable summer | News | College of the Arts | University of Florida
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Faculty News : Aug 4, 2016

From presenting at the College Music Society Summit to performing in Paris, Dr. Kristen Stoner has an unforgettable summer

By Briana Lirio

University of Florida’s Associate Professor of the Flute Dr. Kristen Stoner is having an unforgettable summer. She traveled to Europe to perform alongside Dr. Manabu Takasawa, an expert pianist, at the American Cathedral in Paris. This was all part of the Dimanches Musicaux concert series of Les Arts George V. Stoner and Takasawa, who perform as Duo Anno 1647, then traveled to perform a recital at the Dublin Institute of Technology Conservatory of Music and Dance. Finally she ended her cross continental excursion by teaching a flute masterclasses at the DIT Conservatory and at the Conservatoire de Musique de Pantin, which is located in Paris.

“The opportunity to perform in a beautiful, historic venue, on the Dimanches Musicaux of Les Arts George V concert series, was simply an honor and an unforgettable experience,” Stoner said. “The audience was so appreciative and attentive, and the performance venue was magical. The concert organizers invited us back for next year’s season.”

This summer Stoner was also asked to present at the College Music Society Summit for 21st Century Music School Design. This was a three-day event held at the University of South Carolina, and it featured both strategies and ideas for moving music curricula forward in order to make it more relevant to the modern world of music. Faculty from all over the world including Europe, Australia, Canada and the United States attended this summit. Stoner gave a TED talk-style multi-media presentation detailing her interdisciplinary and innovative studio projects, both in and out of the classroom, for which she received two COTA Teaching Fellowships for in the past.

“The response to my presentation has been wonderfully positive,” Stoner said. “Several music school directors have asked me to send them my presentation, even to Australia, so they can share it with their applied faculty.”

However, Stoner’s summer adventures do not stop here. She is currently attending the National Flute Association Convention in San Diego, California. This is the largest flute event in the world with 3,000 flutists from more than 43 countries. There she is performing solo, adjudicating the High School Young Artist Competition, conducting the Collegiate Flute Choir, performing in an ensemble to honor the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award, and performing the world premiere of her new composition for flute duet, Cape Cod Suite, with UF alumna Marcela DeFaria Casaubon.