Digital Worlds partners with the Hippodrome in Leveling Up | News | College of the Arts | University of Florida
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General News : Mar 12, 2014

Digital Worlds partners with the Hippodrome in Leveling Up

Digital Worlds Institute partnered with the Hippodrome Theatre in the current production of Leveling Up, a play about the lives of four college graduates who struggle to enter the “real world” and become distracted by the captivating digital world of video games. Directed by Zoe Laufer, Leveling Up debuted in February and will continue until Sunday, March 16, 2014. 

DW spent six months working with the Hippodrome as part of the National Endowment for the Arts grant to produce 3D assets for part of the play’s projected set design. This includes unique digital displays, sound design and projections that use special lenses to enhance each scene and capture the play’s digital nature.

To learn more about Leveling Up, click here.