Sounds of the Season: An American Holiday | Events | College of the Arts | University of Florida
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Sounds of the Season: An American Holiday

  • Date & Time
    • Sunday, December 06, 2015 7:00pm 2015-12-06 07:00:00 pm1969-12-31 07:00:00 pmAmerica/New_YorkSounds of the Season: An American HolidayCurtis M. Phillips, M.D. Center for the Performing Arts
  • Cost
    • Free
      Distributed at the door beginning at 5 p.m. the day of the concert. Attendees are encouraged to arrive early to secure a seat, as a full house is expected.
  • Description

    Sounds of the Season: An American Holiday, conducted by Dr. Will Kesling, will feature more than 250 performers, including students from UF’s Concert Choir, UF Women’s Chorale and UF Symphony Orchestra, as well as area community members from the Gainesville Master Chorale. Come and enjoy an array of holiday favorites such as The Little Drummer Boy and White Christmas as well as two wonderful stories of American Christmases past. The centerpiece of the concert created by Phillip Grow, Red Telephone, is a short musical play that tells the story of the origin of the NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) Tracks Santa program, which since the 1950s has been following Santa’s progress from the North Pole for children everywhere. Another highlight of this year’s concert will be the narration of Longfellow’s Christmas by UF President W. Kent Fuchs.

  • Links
  • Venue
    Curtis M. Phillips, M.D. Center for the Performing Arts
    3201 Hull Road
    Phone 2
    Curtis M. Phillips, M.D. Center for the Performing Arts Website