Art + Engineering Final Project Showcase | Events | College of the Arts | University of Florida
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Art + Engineering Final Project Showcase

  • Date & Time
    • Friday, August 07, 2020 12:00pm — through
      Friday, August 14, 2020 5:00pm
  • Cost
    • Free
  • Description

    This summer, Creative B art & engineering students worked with artist Cecilia López to explore sound and objects—first by looking at the resonance of a single object, then by working together to imagine a sound installation. 

    Art students also worked with artist Jules Gimbrone to learn about contact mics, and explore sound composition with material and vibration.

    Check out the @warphaus Instagram for the Creative B students' final projects! Art students projects will begin posting August 7th at noon, and engineering students will begin posting their projects the week of August 12th. Students in both fields will be using that platform to reflect on the process and comment on each others' work. 

    Creative B is a UF Provost-sponsored program supporting creative research, activities, projects and performances that take place during Summer B. Creative B aims to invigorate the campus community during the summer with interdisciplinary creative activities that showcase the collective resources and talents at UF.

    An arduino prototype for the imagined installation "Motors & Lights" by art & engineering students John Flaacke, Rohan Katare Michael Granto and Laurel Moore.⠀

  • Venue
    Room #
    Instagram @warphaus